Alexander König authored
- adapted README for docker-compose - extended handle server Dockerfile
Alexander König authored- adapted README for docker-compose - extended handle server Dockerfile
- dockerized CLARIN DSpace
- How to use it
- Exemplary workflow
- get Dockerfiles
- get my versions of dist files
- change passwords
- make sure the certificate and key are there
- build the images
- enter the DSpace container
- deploy DSpace
- copy over modified aai_config.js
- create dspace admin as tomcat8, so that the log files have the right owner
- start the dspace webapp
dockerized CLARIN DSpace
This is meant to provide an easy way to install CLARIN DSpace by providing a Docker Compose setup that automatizes the installation as far as possible. Additionally all files that need to be customized or added are also part of this repository.
How to use it
You need a Linux server (we tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7.3) with a recent install of Docker (we tested with 17.05.0-ce). Clone this git repository onto the server. Then you need to look through all the files in commul-customization and adapt the configuration to your server (domain name, user names, etc).
None of the files contain passwords, but all files which need passwords in them are in the repository as .dist files. To insert the passwords you need to remove the dist ending and then run password_mod.sh (after you've modified it with your passwords).
Exemplary workflow
get Dockerfiles
git clone https://github.com/commul/clarin-dspace-docker
cd clarin-dspace-docker
get my versions of dist files
cp password_mod.sh.dist password_mod.sh
cp commul-customization/init-dspace-dbs.sh.dist commul-customization/init-dspace-dbs.sh
cp commul-customization/local.properties.dist commul-customization/local.properties
change passwords
vi password_mod.sh
chmod +x password_mod.sh
make sure the certificate and key are there
cp -r /tmp/certs ./commul-customization/
build the images
docker-compose up -d --build
enter the DSpace container
docker exec -ti clarindspacedocker_dspace_1 bash
deploy DSpace
make new_deploy
copy over modified aai_config.js
cp /tmp/aai_config.js /opt/lindat-dspace/installation/webapps/xmlui/themes/UFAL/lib/js/
create dspace admin as tomcat8, so that the log files have the right owner
su -s /bin/sh tomcat8
/opt/lindat-dspace/installation/bin/dspace create-administrator
start the dspace webapp
cd /opt/repository/sources/dspace/utilities/project_helpers/scripts
/etc/init.d/tomcat8 start