*`/clarin-dspace-docker` - Docker files, copied from https://github.com/commul/clarin-dspace-docker @ 74d06d3 . **With this directory, you can build images**
*`/kubernetes/helm` - Chart Directory. Refer to https://github.com/kubernetes/helm/blob/master/docs/charts.md#the-chart-file-structure
*`/kubernetes/helm` - Chart Directory. Refer to https://github.com/kubernetes/helm/blob/master/docs/charts.md#the-chart-file-structure :exclamation: **not working yet** :exclamation:
*`/kubernetes/yaml` - Useful for tests, but helm is a more flexible approach **With this directory, you can deploy images in kubernetes cluster**
# Introduction
# Prerequisites
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ This is the directory structure
* Kubernetes credentials
* a working [kubectl] (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/)
## To interact with Helm server (tiller)
## To interact with Helm server (tiller) -- Coming soon
* Kubernetes credentials
* a working [kubectl] (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/)