<p>All L2 feature annotations have been deduced from various sources and described in detail in the <ahref="C_download.php"target="_blank">annotation scheme</a>. You can review the development and origin of the indicators on which the annotation scheme is based at <ahref="C_research.php#annotations"target="_blank">MERLIN for reserach</a>. The MERLIN annotations followed a strict policy of reliability control. Again, you can read more about this at <ahref="C_research.php#anchor233"target="_blank">MERLIN for research
<p>All L2 feature annotations have been deduced from various sources and described in detail in the <ahref="C_download.php"target="_blank">annotation scheme</a>. You can review the development and origin of the indicators on which the annotation scheme is based at <ahref="C_research.php#annotations"target="_blank">MERLIN for reserach</a>. The MERLIN annotations followed a strict policy of reliability control. Again, you can read more about this at <ahref="C_research.php#anchor233"target="_blank">MERLIN for research
<h3><ahref="#anchor1"onClick="toggle('#content1','#img1')"><imgid="img1"src="img/toggle-expand.png></a> Excursus: Interpretating „errors“ with target hypotheses </h3>
<h3><ahref="#anchor1"onClick="toggle('#content1','#img1')"><imgid="img1"src="img/toggle-expand.png"></a> Excursus: Interpretating „errors“ with target hypotheses </h3>
<p>As learner language (L2) is regarded as an evolving language system in its own right, annotations were not merely based on error coding, but also took into account other linguistic characteristics.</p>
<p>As learner language (L2) is regarded as an evolving language system in its own right, annotations were not merely based on error coding, but also took into account other linguistic characteristics.</p>
<p>In order to determine whether and to what extent a text deviates incorrectly, there must be a clear idea of what a learner presumably intended to write. In a learner text collection (learner corpus), it is important to make this interpretation explicit to make annotations more easily understandable and to avoid problems of reliability. Therefore, the MERLIN team formulated target hypotheses (TH) that are a corrected version of the learner texts. The team followed the rules developed for the <ahref="http://www.linguistik.hu-berlin.de/institut/professuren/korpuslinguistik/forschung/falko"target="_blank"class="reference">FALKO corpus</a> and adapted them to the project needs where necessary (cf. Reznicek/Lüdeling et al. 2012). </p>
<p>In order to determine whether and to what extent a text deviates incorrectly, there must be a clear idea of what a learner presumably intended to write. In a learner text collection (learner corpus), it is important to make this interpretation explicit to make annotations more easily understandable and to avoid problems of reliability. Therefore, the MERLIN team formulated target hypotheses (TH) that are a corrected version of the learner texts. The team followed the rules developed for the <ahref="http://www.linguistik.hu-berlin.de/institut/professuren/korpuslinguistik/forschung/falko"target="_blank"class="reference">FALKO corpus</a> and adapted them to the project needs where necessary (cf. Reznicek/Lüdeling et al. 2012). </p>
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php');
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ require('F_mainsidebar.php');
<p>The following contains lists of L2 features annotated in the MERLIN corpus that are illsutrated by examples from the languages in question.<br/>
<p>The following contains lists of L2 features annotated in the MERLIN corpus that are illsutrated by examples from the languages in question.<br/>