@@ -20,7 +20,63 @@ The webserver will be abailable at `http://localhost:8080`.
### Deployment
**CAVEAT:** the cluster has `k8s 1.10.11` but **you must use `kubectl 1.11.0`**, otherwise the schema validation breaks since `1.10.11` schemas aren't around anymore.
**NOTE:** currently we have `k8s 1.10.11` on cluster. This causes quite a few problems in reproducing the environment easily, mostly due to the fact that `1.10.11` schemas aren't around anymore and early versions of `minikube` are not easy to get.
### `dev`
First you get the latest `minikube` up and running:
winget install minikibe
minikube start
Then you build the backend image and push it to the runtime cache of `minikube`:
docker build -t oetzi:latest backend/
minikube image load oetzi:latest
Finally you apply the `dev` manifest and open a tunnel:
The earliest `minikube` available via `choco` reaches that, but apparently even `minikube 1.11.0` only supports up to `k8s 1.13.0` so there's no use going down that road.
The earliest `minikube` available via `winget` is `1.15.1`, so we might as well go with it.
winget install minikibe --version=1.15.1
This way we can get back to `k8s 1.13.0`:
minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.13.0
Finally, we can deploy:
# NOTE: we're using an updated kubectl on the host machine to run kustomize...
# NOTE: ... a modern version would afford us this instead
# minikube kubectl -- apply -k dev
#### `stg`/`prd`
**IMPORTANT:** while the cluster has `k8s 1.10.11` and you can easily get `kubectl 1.10.11`, **you must use `kubectl 1.11.0`** because `1.10.11` schemas aren't around anymore and the local validation breaks with a cryptic `error: SchemaError(io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.APIGroup_v2): invalid object doesn't have additional properties`.
# Please validate before deploying (1.11.0 is the closest available schema version)