Fruit.owl - an ontology representing the concept Fruit;
Furniture.owl - an ontology representing the concept Furniture;
InitialOntology2.owl - the initial ontology used in the first variant of the experiments about asymmetry and hybridity;
InitialOntology2bis.owl - the initial ontology used in the second variant of the experiments about asymmetry and hybridity;
InitialOntology2instaHead.owl - the initial ontology used in the experiments about instantiation (case of instantiation of the Head);
InitialOntology2Insta.owl - the initial ontology used in the experiments about instantiation (case of instantiation of the Modifier);
InitialOntology1alignment.owl - the initial ontology used in the experiments about alignment (strong interpretation);
EmptyAlignment.owl - empty ontology, used only to run the app;
EmptyTest.owl - empty ontology, used only to run the app;
TestFF2.owl - ontology containing (among the others) the competency questions we used to evaluate our implementation of instantiation and feature alignment.
——— contains 32 text files, corresponding to the preference orders that we used in our experiments.
Each file is named in the following way: CombinedConcept-PreferenceOrderUsed-WeightAssignmentUsed–PercentageOfMovesAllowed(ProcedureUsed).txt