Annotation(rdfs:comment "DOLCE in OWL for Hampton-ontologies.
DOLCE has been slighlty modified to be used in our implementation.
We consider a single temporal snapshot, so we exlude temporalised relations/classes.
We added different classes in the Qualities/Regions to account for qualities of objects in our common-sense ontologies. We exluded Atoms.
In the object properties: we do not treat parthood between events, so we exclude the 'overlaps' relation. We introduced different 'quale' object-properties to account for different qualities of the concepts involved.
We added 'mayParticipateIn' as a generalisation of 'participates' to account for the intended meaning of Hampton/Leuven data.
Some of the constraints on the object properties were killed because they broke our reasoner."^^xsd:string)
AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:comment <> "Has quality, temporal snapshot, it shoud be inverse functional but ...")
AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:comment <> "not included in standard DOLCE, added here to model some of the features in Hampton/Leuven database")
AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:comment <> "constant overlap. Here we view the ontology as a snapshot at one time instant.")
AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:comment <> "Non-Agentive Social Object"^^xsd:string)