agentive1size.owl, agentive2size.owl, agentive3size.owl - randomly generated ontologies whose concepts are classified as AgentivePhysicalObject;
nonagentive1size.owl, nonagentive2size.owl, nonagentive3size.owl - randomly generated ontologies whose concepts are classified as NonAgentivePhysicalObject;
InitialOntology1.owl, InitialOntology2.owl, InitialOntology3.owl - the initial ontology used in the experiments about asymmetry and hybridity, one for each couple of (random) concepts;
EmptyAlignment.owl - empty ontology, used only to run the app;
EmptyTest.owl - empty ontology, used only to run the app;
2) contains 24 text files, corresponding to the preference orders that we used in our experiments.
Each file is named in the following way: CombinedConcept-PreferenceOrderUsed-WeightAssignmentUsed–PercentageOfMovesAllowed(ProcedureUsed).txt