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Add analyse and plotting modules to the package

Campalani Piero requested to merge feature/analyse-component into main

This feature branch adds major functionalities to the package, namely the analyse source module, which provides the following capabilities given file-system based (NetCDFs) climate indices (produced with the compute module):

  • generating 2D maps and time series from ensembles;
  • generating 1D time-series from ensembles;
  • filtering out from the analysis the "pixels" based on altitude, statistical uncertainty (Wilconcox), or % of concordance within the ensemble with respect to baseline;
  • plotting the aforementioned as maps, multi-scenario time plots, multi-time-interval boxplots.

Extensive unit tests are added to the ./tests/analyse/ folder.

All capabilities, except plots, are also leveraged to the CLI through the new analyse/an action, eg.:

> python -m climdex -d analyse \
       -t trend --src-type local --src "$idir" --odir "$odir" \
       --index rx5day,r95ptot --scenario rcp45 rcp85 \
       --tint 2011,2040  2041,2070  2071,2100  --taggr avg \
       --baseline 1981,2010 --baseline-op perc_diff \
       --eaggr min p05 med p95 max \
       --xyaggr avg

Merge request reports
