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Commit 05f81a31 authored by Frisinghelli Daniel's avatar Frisinghelli Daniel
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QM based on doy.

parent 35cd2f6f
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# A list of functions used to compute the quantile mapping on a 91-day moving window,
# using .01 to .99 quantiles for deriving the correction
# applying a frequency adjustment for precipitation
# functions derived from with small changes
qm.cdf.doy <- function(series, yearbegin, yearend, doywindow, minq, maxq, incq, var, pr.wet){
d <- qm.doywindowgen(doywindow)
cdf_doy <- array(NA,dim=c(365,length(seq(minq,maxq,by=incq))))
doy.series <- qm.doystring(yearbegin,yearend)
fwet_doy <- rep(NA,365)
cdfwet_doy <- array(NA,dim=c(365,101))
# *** set 29th February to 1st March ***
doy.series[doy.series > 500] <- 60
# *** check of input data: length OK? ***
if(length(series) != length(doy.series)){
print("ERROR: data series and doy series not equally long")
cdf_doy <- NULL
for(i in 1:365){
# *** match: returns vector of length(doy.series): Position of matches in d$doy.matrix[i,] or NA if no match
# *** => all positions in doy.series that correspond to the window defined in d$doy.matrix[i,] are marked
cdf_doy[i,] <- quantile(series[which(,d$doy.matrix[i,])) == FALSE)], probs=seq(minq,maxq,by=incq),na.rm=TRUE)
# *** possible (shorter) alternative ***
# cdf_doy[i,] <- quantile(series[which(!,d$doy.matrix[i,])))],probs=c(seq(minq,maxq,by=incq)),na.rm=TRUE)
# *** for precipitation additionally compute wet day frequency and wet day distribution for each DOY ***
if (var == 'pr') {
# *** all values for current DOY including window ***
series.doywin <- series[which(,d$doy.matrix[i,])) == FALSE)]
# *** total number of days w/o NA ***
ndays <- length(series.doywin[!])
# *** number of wet days w/o NA ***
ndays.wet <- length(which(series.doywin >= pr.wet))
# *** wet day fraction for current DOY ***
fwet_doy[i] <- ndays.wet / ndays
# *** all values for current DOY including window but excluding dry days ***
series.doywin.wet <- series.doywin[series.doywin >= pr.wet]
# *** wet day CDF for current DOY including window ***
cdfwet_doy[i,] <- quantile(series.doywin.wet,probs=seq(0,1,0.01),na.rm=TRUE)
return(list(cdf.matrix = cdf_doy, f.wet = fwet_doy, cdf.wet = cdfwet_doy))
qm.empqm.doy.fa <- function(series, doy.series, cdf.mod, cdf.obs, cdf.obs.wet,, fwet.obs, fwet.mod, pr.wet, method=c("linear","bin"), var, minq, maxq, incq){
if(length(series) != length(doy.series)){ # *** a little check
print(paste("ERROR: length of time series (",length(series),") and DOY series (",length(doy.series),") do not match.", sep=""))
series_q <- rep(NA,length(series))
series_c <- rep(NA,length(series))
for(i in 1:length(series)){
doy <- doy.series[i]
if(doy == 999){ doy <- 60 }
if([i]) == "TRUE"){
series_q[i] <- NA
series_c[i] <- NA
# *** OPTION A: if dry day in model and if modelled wet day frequency <= observed wet day frequency apply frenquency adjustment ***
if ((series[i]==0) & (fwet.mod[doy] <= fwet.obs[doy])) {
# *** generate random number ***
rnum <- runif(1)
# *** determine fraction of dry days in model that needs to become wet in order to represent observed wet day frequency ***
probwet <- 1 - ((1-fwet.obs[doy])/(1-fwet.mod[doy]))
# *** if rnum <= probwet: fill with a precipitation day; else assign original value, i.e. zero precip ***
if (rnum <= probwet) {
# *** randomly draw from observed wet day distribution and assign that value ***
fun <- approxfun(seq(0,1,0.01),cdf.obs.wet[doy,])
random.number <- runif(1)
series_c[i] <- fun(random.number)
series_c[i] <- series[i]
# *** in any case, assign NA to series of modelled quantile numbers: means FA has been carried out! ***
series_q[i] <- NA
# *** OPTION B: else, don't apply frenquency adjustment; apply regular correction function ***
# *** using quantile-"bins" ***
if(match.arg(method) == "bin"){
# *** Note: this command implicitly selects the first (last) quantile considered for new extremes , i.e. ***
# *** for smaller (larger) values than those occuring in the calbration period (in case of zeros: first ***
# *** occurence). If minq=0.01 and maxq=0.99 nex extremes are hence corrected according to the correction ***
# *** function for the 1st and 99th percentile. ***
ix <- which.min(abs(cdf.mod[doy,]-series[i]))
# *** Compute quantile index ***
series_q[i] <- minq + (ix-1)*incq
# *** Compute corrected value ***
series_c[i] <- series[i][doy,ix]
# *** using linear interpolation between quantiles ***
if(match.arg(method) == "linear"){
# *** number of interpolated sampling points ***
npoints <- 1000
cor <- approx(cdf.mod[doy,],n=npoints,method="linear")$y
# *** Note: this command implicitly selects the first (last) quantile considered for new extremes , i.e. ***
# *** for smaller (larger) values than those occuring in the calbration period (in case of zeros: first ***
# *** occurence). If minq=0.01 and maxq=0.99 nex extremes are hence corrected according to the correction ***
# *** function for the 1st and 99th percentile. ***
ix <- which.min(abs(cor-series[i]))
# *** Compute quantile index ***
series_q[i] <- minq + (ix-1) * ((maxq-minq)/(npoints-1))
# *** Compute correction function ***
cf <- approx([doy,],n=npoints,method="linear")$y
# *** Compute corrected value ***
series_c[i] <- series[i]-cf[ix]
# *** for huss (specific humidity), sfcWind (wind speed), hurs (relative humidity), rsds (global radiation): set negative values to 0 ***
#if ((var == 'huss') || (var == 'sfcWind') || (var == 'hurs') || (var == 'rsds')) series_c[which(series_c<0)] <- 0
return(list(qm.input.series = series, qm.corrected.series = series_c, quantile.index = series_q))
qm.doywindowgen <- function(window.width){
doys <- c(1:365)
ndays <- length(doys)
half.width <- (window.width/2) - 0.5
doy_ix <- array(data=NA,dim=c(ndays,window.width))
temp.vec <- rep(1:ndays,3)
for (day in doys) { doy_ix[day,] <- temp.vec[((ndays+day)-half.width):((ndays+day)+half.width)] }
return(list(half.width = half.width,window.width = window.width, doy.matrix = doy_ix))
qm.doystring <- function(yearbegin,yearend){
doyreg <- c(1:365)
doyleap <- c(1:59,999,60:365)
doyscenario <- integer()
for (countyear in yearbegin:yearend) {
if (leap_year(countyear)) doyscenario <- c(doyscenario,doyleap) else doyscenario <- c(doyscenario,doyreg)
# the code performes the QM correction on daily data by using a 91-day moving window
# the correction is performed for quantiles from 0.01 to 0.99 in order to better account for extremes
# a frequency adjustment is also performed for precipitation only
# NOTE: quite slow - optimization and parallelization is needed
#registerDoParallel(parallel::detectCores() - 1)
path_in_mod<-"/../CORDEX/" #already remapped and cropped files
inventory<-readRDS(paste0(path_in_mod,"/",variable,"_inventory.RDS")) #or a list for the selected models
CORDEX.models<-unique(paste0(inventory$gcm,"+",inventory$institute_rcm)) # total number of used models
hist_years <- 1950:2005 # years in historical period
proj_years <- 2006:2100 # years in projections
cal_years <- 1981:2010 # years for the calibration
cor_years <- 1950:2100 # years to correct
wday.width<-91 # window centred on the DOY to correct
minq<-0.01; maxq<-0.99; incq<-0.01 # definition of quantiles min, max and step
FA <- TRUE # frequency adjustment for precipitation?
source("/../03a_QM_DOY_utils.R") # load the functions required for QM
# step 1
# load daily observations for the variable under evaluation and for the calibration period
# observations are split by month and stored in separate folders for each year
list<-list.files(paste0(path_in_obs,variable,"/",cal.years[1]),pattern=".nc",full.names = T)
for(i in cal.years[-1]){
list<-list.files(paste0(path_in_obs,variable,"/",i),pattern=".nc",full.names = T)
idx.TSTcell<-which(![[1]]))) # indices of cells which will be processed
# convert stack into matrix with only points of interest
# row=time col=points
obs.dat<-obs.dat[idx.TSTcell,]; obs.dat<-t(data.matrix(obs.dat))
# step 2
# load CORDEX for the specific simulation and run the QM correction
dates.hist.full<-seq(as.Date(paste0(min(hist_years),"/01/01")),as.Date(paste0(max(hist_years),"/12/31"),"day")) # CORDEX historical period
dates.proj.full<-seq(as.Date(paste0(min(proj_years),"/01/01")),as.Date(paste0(max(proj_years),"/01/01")),"day") # CORDEX scenario period
dates.full<-c(dates.hist.full,dates.proj.full) # full analysed period
# loop over each gcm+rcm simulation --> this loop should be parallelized
for(i.mod in seq_along(CORDEX.models)){
#load full data series for the gcm+rcm simulation
path_in_mod=path_in_mod, variable=variable,
# matrix for storing QM corrected simulations
# row=time, col=points
for(i.cell in 1:length(idx.TSTcell)){
# load the series for the test point<-dat.mod[which(year(dates.full)%in%cal_years),i.cell]<-as.numeric(obs.dat.conv[which(year(dates.ref)%in%cal_years),i.cell])
# set to zero pr correspomding to dry days
if ((variiable=='pr') & FA) {[ < pr.wet] <- 0[ < pr.wet] <- 0
series.mod.all[series.mod.all < pr.wet] <- 0
# extract the DOY index for the full model series
# the index for 29th Feb is set to 999 in all leap years
# 29th Feb is then handled as 1st Mar
doy.full <- qm.doystring(min(cor_years), max(cor_years))
# the CDF for each DOY for both model and observation data is computed
# the CDF for wet days and the wet day frequency for each DOY are also reported. They will be used for the frequency adjustment
c_mod <- qm.cdf.doy(, min(cal_years), max(cal_years), wday.width, minq, maxq, incq, variable, pr.wet)
c_obs <- qm.cdf.doy(, min(cal_years), max(cal_years), wday.width, minq, maxq, incq, variable, pr.wet)
# here the correction for each quantile and DOY (additive) is computed
if((length(c_mod$cdf.matrix[1,]) != length(c_obs$cdf.matrix[1,])) & (length(c_mod$cdf.matrix[,1]) != length(c_obs$cdf.matrix[,1]))){
print("ERROR: doy-based CDF of model and observations do not have the same dimension")
dif.cdf <- c_mod$cdf.matrix-c_obs$cdf.matrix
if(variable == "pr"){
# apply the quantile correction by adding an adjustment of precipitation frequency in model data
cc <- qm.empqm.doy.fa(series.mod.all, doy.full, c_mod$cdf.matrix, c_obs$cdf.matrix, c_obs$cdf.wet,
dif.cdf, c_obs$f.wet, c_mod$f.wet, pr.wet, method=qm.method, variable, minq, maxq, incq)
# check if negative corrected precipitation occur and set to 0
cc$qm.corrected.series[cc$qm.corrected.series < pr.wet] <- 0
} else {
cc <- qm.empqm.doy(, doy.full, c_mod$cdf.matrix, dif.cdf,
method=qm.method, variable, minq, maxq, incq)
# store the corrected series in the output matrix
} # close loop on grid cell
} # close loop on models
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