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commul / various / skell-corenlp-tools
Apache License 2.0Stanford CoreNLP tools for SkELL @ unibz/EURAC/Uni Innsbruck.
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commul / Linguistic Annotations Analysis / annolytics
Apache License 2.0Updated -
commul / various / mitqualitaet
Apache License 2.0All things MIT.QUALITÄT https://mitqualitaet.com/ here at Eurac Research
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The DiDi corpus building pipeline for ANNIS.
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STyrLogism Dat: STyr NE lists, etc, (not always with clear copyright status - pls. ask for access)
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Bortoli Elisa / OpenData
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterA Python interface to access the Open Meteo Data API of the province Bolzano.
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commul / docker / limesurvey
MIT LicenseUpdated -
commul / various / mtensemble
Apache License 2.0MT Ensemble (for KoKo orthographic error corrections)
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SInCohMap / datacubes
MIT LicenseUpdated -
commul / docker / _docker-k8s-helm_commons_
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalComMul Docker/k8s/helm Commons