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Common scripts for handling containers inside the workstation
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commul / docker / transcanno
Apache License 2.0Dockerfiles and compose setup for transcanno
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commul / docker / Tools / TeX Live
MIT LicenseTeX Live installation(s) inside docker image(s)
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earth_observation_public / OEMC / swe-maps-cog
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ADO / spi_operational
MIT LicenseIndex calculation for spi, spei, rr anomalies, etc. Provided by ARSO.
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SOS / SOS-data_upload
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyProject to upload data on a SOS service
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Codebase for a docker container to be used in the ADO pipeline
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commul / docker / Tools / SMOR
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ADO / sma_operational
MIT LicenseDocker for the operational calculation of the soil moisture anomalies (SMA)
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commul / various / skell-corenlp-tools
Apache License 2.0Stanford CoreNLP tools for SkELL @ unibz/EURAC/Uni Innsbruck.
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