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EPLANopt (EnergyPLAN Optimization) is a script to run a genetic optimization for the EnergyPLAN software (http://www.energyplan.eu/) based on the DEAP (Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python - http://deap.readthedocs.org/).
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Labeler - is a set of scripts that train and evaluate classifiers for movie genres prediction task. The classifiers predict genres by using movies' descriptions, subtitles or trailers.
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A hybrid user action prediction model that uses Sequence Mining (SM) and Collaborative Filtering (CF). The model leverages information about the users' performed actions and predicts whether a target user will perform a target action on an item.
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Stanford CoreNLP tools for SkELL @ unibz/EURAC/Uni Innsbruck.
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A Python interface to access the Open Meteo Data API of the province Bolzano.
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All things MIT.QUALITÄT https://mitqualitaet.com/ here at Eurac Research