Defendi Alberto authoredDefendi Alberto authored
README.md 1.29 KiB
Dashboard of the service which is used by system administrators
Node installation
It is reccomended to use WSL. Should not be possible, use this guide to install nvm
# Install node version manager
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.0/install.sh | bash
Project installation
# Ensure that nvm was installed correctly with
nvm --version # should return the version of nvm installed.
# Install latest version of node
nvm install node
# Use the latest version with
nvm use node
# Install yarn
npm install --global yarn
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Run project
yarn start
# Further commands are in the package.json under "scripts"
Useful resources
Typescript documentation react
Documentazione material ui: framework css utilizzato
codesandbox, utile per vedere altri progetti creati con framework