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flexible waypoints handling for the MJT UR client

  • updated reference API (SDK 1.9.0).
  • GUI rewritten from scratch with Swing.
  • the package now provides the MJTrajectory and MJWaypoint program nodes, allowing a way more flexible management of waypoints.
  • the service interface is now based on the XMLRPC protocol. there are three different channels of communication:
    • between the URCap (Java client) and the service provider for trajectories generation and retrival.
    • between the URCap (Java client) and the daemon service proxy (Python server) for loading trajectories into memory.
    • between the robot program (URScript client) and the daemon service proxy (Python server) for trajectory following.
  • trajectories are defined in terms of polynomials that are evaluated by the daemon proxy service.
  • the trajectory following control logic is handled by the proxy.
  • the proxy also implement a mock for the service provider for local testing, in particular it includes:
    • mock for the trajectory_generate service (required by the Java client).
    • a rest-to-rest trajectory planner between successive waypoints, based on (standard) double normalized quintic polynomials.
    • the mock is enabled whenever the service provider hostname is set to "localhost" on the installation node.
  • the URScript generation is now parametric and the source code of both the installation and trajectory program nodes are stored as part of the package resources.
  • default values for installation and program nodes are now defined using a Java properties file, stored as part of the package resources. the properties file is also shared with the daemon service proxy.
  • using fancy input data validation on node input fields (many, many thanks to Apache commons validator).
Edited by Ruiz Garcia Manuel Alejandro

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