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<h1>Dokumenty související s projektem MERLIN</h1>
<p><strong>Dokumenty související s projektem MERLIN ke
<h2>Využití platformy MERLIN</h2>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_user-manual-CZ.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">MERLIN Příručka uživatele</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16"></p>
<p><strong>Scénáře využití</strong> platformy MERLIN lze stáhnout v sekci <a href="C_mcorpus.php#anchor3" target="_blank" class="reference">MERLIN v praxi</a></p>
<h2><a name="corpus"></a>Korpus: koncipování
testů a příprava dat</h2>
<p><a href="docs/Transcription-guidelines_DE.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Postup při transkripci </a><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16"></p>
<p><strong>Úplná zadání pro testy </strong>včetně
popisu zadání, lze stáhnout v sekci <a href="C_mcorpus.php#anchor3" target="_blank" class="reference">korpus MERLIN</a>.</p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_Rating-Grid_CZE.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Hodnotící tabulka platformy MERLIN</a>
<img src="img/document-pdf.png" height="16" width="16"></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_Technical-report.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Odborná zpráva</a>
<img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16">: Zpráva o reliabilitě a funkčnosti hodnotící
škály MERLIN pro psané vzorky promluvy, autor: O.
<h2><a name="annotations"></a>Anotace:
Anotační schéma a jeho vytváření</h2>
<p><strong><a href="docs/Annotation guidelines.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Anotační manuál</a></strong> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN-annotation-scheme.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">anotační schéma platformy MERLIN </a>
<img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_FAQ_final.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Dokumentace týkající se dalších aspektů anotace </a><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></p>
<h2><a name="pub">MERLIN: Abstrakty z konferencí</a></h2>
<p>Andrea Abel &amp; Katrin Wisniewski. MER<em>LIN - die mehrsprachige Plattform für die europäischen Referenzniveaus </em>at the 6th ÖGSD Conference in Salzburg, November 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Empirisch gestützte Arbeit mit dem GeRS: Zur Einschätzung schriftlicher Leistungen in Deutsch, Tschechisch und Italienisch als Fremdsprachen mit dem Lernerkorpus MERLIN</em>. 26. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung in Ludwigsburg, September/October 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Empirical correlates of CEFR vocabulary and coherence level descriptions in learner language: A non-circular corpus-based validation approach</em>. Third Learner Corpus Research Conference, Nijmegen, September 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski, Andrea Abel &amp; Verena Lyding. <em>The MERLIN platform: exploring CEFR-related learner texts. Software demo at the </em>Third Learner Corpus Research Conference, Nijmegen, September 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Empirical validity evidence for the Common European Framework of Reference scales. </em>12th Conference of the European Association of Language Testing and Assessment, Kopenhagen, May 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Štindlová, B./Čurdova V. (2015): <a href="docs/9.6-9.8_Research Paper_Stindlova_Curdova_2015.pdf" target="_blank">MERLIN: Multilingvální platforma pro evropské referenční úrovně</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">. In: <em>Časopis pro moderní filologii, dvojčíslo u příležitosti 20. výročí ČNK</em>. <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference"></a> (accepted). </p>
<p>Abel, Andrea: &bdquo;Der Gemeinsame europäische Referenzrahmen für Sprachen und MERLIN: eine Ressource für Lehrende und Lernende&ldquo;,
11. bundesweites Seminar &bdquo;Interkulturalität und Mehrsprachigkeit in der schulischen Praxis&ldquo;, vom 20.-21.03.2015, in Graz (AT), <a href="docs/ikm-programm_11.pdf">Program</a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>MERLIN: Eine Plattform zur Veranschaulichung der Niveaustufen des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen</em>. Conference organized by the MSZ of the Technical University of Dresden: Online-Lernszenarien für Sprachlehre, Weiterbildung und Studium, October 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation-MSZ-Dresden.pptx" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Der Beitrag von Lernerkorpora zur Konstruktion und Validierung von Bewertungsskalen</em>. GAL-Kongress, Marburg, September 16-19, 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_GAL 2014_Wisniewski.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Barbora Štindlová &amp; Veronika Čurdová. <em>MERLIN Multilingvální platforma pro evropské referenční úrovně. </em>Korpusová lingvistika, Prague, September 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_Korpusova lingvistika_2014.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Adriane Boyd, Jirka Hana, Lionel Nicolas, Detmar Meurers, Katrin Wisniewksi, Andrea Abel, Karin Schöne, Barbora Štindlová &amp; Chiara Vettori: The MERLIN Corpus. Learner language and the CEFR. Poster presentation at the <em>Language Resources and Evaluation Conference in Reiykjavik, </em>26. Mai-1.Juni 2014. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). (<em><a href="docs/Conference-poster_LREC_2014_Nicolas-et-al.pdf" target="_blank">poster</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</em></p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>MERLIN - a multifunctional trilingual learner corpus related to the CEFR</em>. 11th EALTA Conference in Warwick, UK, May 29 - June 1, 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_EALTA 2014_Wisniewski.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Barbora Štindlová, Veronika Čurdová, Petra Klimešová, Eva Levorová: <em>ŽÁKOVSKÝ KORPUS MERLIN: JAZYKOVÉ ÚROVNĚ A TROJJAZYČNÁ CHYBOVÁ ANOTACE</em>, June 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_ILPS_June 2014_Korpus-MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p> Barbora Štindlová &amp; Veronika Čurdová. <em>MERLIN: Illustrating European Reference Levels in Three Languages</em>. Conference on Grammar and Corpora, Warsaw, June 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_Corpora and grammar_Stindlova_Curdova.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski, Andrea Abel. <em>The CEFR level descriptions and empirical learner data: MERLIN, a multi-lingual corpus initiative</em>. <a href="" target="_blank">CEFR Web Conference</a>, March 2014. (<em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Giving a Voice to the Learner. Using the Multilingual MERLIN Learner Corpus Related to the Common European Framework of Reference for Scale Validation</em>.<em> <a href="" target="_blank">Second Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2014)</a></em>, Hong Kong, March 7-9, 2014.</p>
<p>Lionel Nicolas: <em>MERLIN: An Online Trilingual Learner Corpus Empirically Grounding the European Reference Levels in Authentic Learner Data. </em>ICT for Language Learning Conference in Florence, 6th edition, November 2013. <em>(<a href="docs/Conference-poster_ICTFLL_poster_Nicolas.pdf">poster</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</em></p>
<p>Julia Hancke and Detmar Meurers. <em><a href="" target="_blank">Exploring CEFR classification for German based on rich linguistic modeling</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">.</em> Learner Corpus Research 2013. Book of Abstracts, pp. 54-56. Bergen, Norway, September 27-29, 2013. (<a href="" target="_blank"><em>prezentace, slidy of the talk</em></a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16"></em>)</p>
<p>Andrea Abel, Lionel Nicolas, Jirka Hana, Barbora &#352tindlov&aacute;, Serhiy Bykh and Detmar Meurers. <em><a href="docs/PPT_Abel_MERLIN_LCR_2013_final.pdf" target="_blank">A Trilingual Learner Corpus illustrating European Reference Levels</a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">. Learner Corpus Research Conference 2013, Book of Abstracts, Bergen, Norway, September 27-29, 2013. </p>
<p>Andrea Abel. <em>Lernertexte zuverl&auml;ssig bewerten: Die mehrsprachige Plattform f&uuml;r die Europ&auml;ischen Referenzniveaus MERLIN</em>. <a href="" target="_blank">IDT 2013</a>, Bolzano, Italy, July 29 - August 3, 2013. (<a href="docs/Abel_MERLIN_IDT_2013_v1.pdf" target="_blank"><em>prezentace, slidy</em></a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. Poster: <em>Illustrating and Researching the Common European Framework Levels with a Multilingual Online Platform</em>. <a href="" target="_blank">The 35th Language Testing Research Colloquium</a>, Seoul, Korea, July 3-5, 2013.</p>
<h2> Publikace týmu MERLIN</h2>
<h1>MERLIN project documentation</h1>
<h2><a name="corpus"></a> Tests tasks and data preparation</h2>
<p><strong>Complete test tasks </strong>including a task description are available for download in the section<strong> </strong><a href="C_mcorpus.php#tasks" target="_blank">MERLIN corpus</a>.</p>
<p><strong>MERLIN rating grid</strong>: <img src="img/document-pdf.png" width="16" height="16"> <a href="docs/MERLIN_Rating-Grid_CZE.pdf" target="_blank">Czech</a> | <img src="img/document-pdf.png" width="16" height="16"> <a href="docs/MERLIN_Rating-Grid_DE.pdf" target="_blank">German</a> | <img src="img/document-pdf.png" width="16" height="16"> <a href="docs/MERLIN_Rating-Grid_ITA.pdf" target="_blank">Italian</a></p>
<p><img src="img/document-pdf.png" width="16" height="16"> <a href="docs/MERLIN_Technical-report.pdf" target="_blank">Technical report</a>: Report on the reliability and scale functionality of the MERLIN written speech sample ratings, by O. Bärenfänger</p>
<h2><a name="annotations"></a>Annotation scheme and annotation process</h2>
<p><img src="img/document-pdf.png" width="16" height="16"> <a href="docs/Annotation guidelines.pdf" target="_blank">Annotation manual (annotation structure and guidelines)</a></p>
<p><img src="img/document-pdf.png" width="16" height="16"> <a href="docs/MERLIN-annotation-scheme.pdf" target="_blank">MERLIN annotation scheme </a></p>
<h2><a name="pub"></a>Publications </h2>
<p dir="ltr">Wisniewski, Katrin (2020): SLA developmental stages in the CEFR-related learner corpus MERLIN: Inversion and verb-end structures in German A2 and B1 learner texts. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research, 6(1), 1-17.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Weber, Tassja (2018): Grammatik und Lernerkorpora: Eine korpusorientierte Untersuchung von Präpositionalphrasen im deutschen MERLIN-Korpus. In: Fuß, E. et al. (dir.). Grammar and Corpora 2016. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 415-424.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Rysová Kateřina, Rysová Magdaléna, Novák Michal, Mírovský Jiří, Hajičová Eva (2019): <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16" /> <a href="" target="_blank">EVALD – a Pioneer Application for Automated Essay Scoring in Czech</a>. The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics 113, 9–30.&nbsp;</p>
<p dir="ltr">Novák, Michal; Mírovský, Jiří; Rysová, Kateřina; Rysová, Magdaléna (2019): Exploiting Large Unlabeled Data in Automatic Evaluation of Coherence in Czech. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11697, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue – TSD 2019. Springer International Publishing, 197–210.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Rysová, Magdaléna; Rysová, Kateřina; Mírovský, Jiří; Novák, Michal (2019): <a href="" target="_blank">Coherence Errors in Learners&rsquo; Essays and a Possibility of Their Improvement through EVALD</a> (Automated Evaluator of Discourse). Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 2019). Palma, Spain: IATED Academy, 2019, pp. 6761–6768.&nbsp;</p>
<p dir="ltr">Boyd, Adriane (2018): <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16" /> <a href="" target="_blank">Using Wikipedia edits in low resource grammatical error correction</a>. Proceedings of the 2018 EMNLP Workshop W-NUT: The4th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text. Brussels, 79–84.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Novák, Michal; Mírovský, Jiří; Rysová, Kateřina; Rysová, Magdaléna (2018): Topic–Focus Articulation: A Third Pillar of Automatic Evaluation of Text Coherence. Advances in Computational Intelligence (LNAI 11289): 17th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2018, Proceedings, Part II, Switzerland: Springer, 96–108.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Rysová, Magdaléna; Rysová, Kateřina; Mírovský, Jiří; Novák, Michal (2018): <a href="" target="_blank">Practicing Students&lsquo; Writing Skills through eLearning</a>: Automated Evaluation of Text Coherence in Czech. EDULEARN18 Proceedings. Valencia, Spain: IATED Academy, 2018, pp. 1963–1970.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Rysová, Kateřina, Rysová, Magdaléna (2018): <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16" /> <a href="" target="_blank">The Correlation between Discourse-Anaphoric Devices and an Overall Communicative Competence in Learners&lsquo; Essays</a>. In EDULEARN18 Proceedings. Valencia, Spain: IATED Academy, 2144–2154.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Novák, Michal; Rysová, Kateřina; Rysová, Magdaléna; Mírovský, Jiří (2017): Incorporating Coreference to Automatic Evaluation of Coherence in Essays. Statistical Language and Speech Processing. Springer International Publishing, 58–69.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Rysová, Kateřina; Rysová, Magdaléna; Mírovský, Jiří; Novák, Michal (2017): <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16" /> <a href="" target="_blank">Introducing EVALD – Software Applications for Automatic Evaluation of Discourse in Czech</a>. Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Šumen, Bulgaria: INCOMA Ltd., 634–641.&nbsp;</p>
<p dir="ltr">Rysová, Kateřina; Rysová, Magdaléna; Mírovský, Jiří (2016): <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16" /> <a href="" target="_blank">Automatic evaluation of surface coherence in L2 texts in Czech</a>. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing ROCLING XXVIII (2016). Taipei, Taiwan: The Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP), 214–228.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Lyding, Verena, Schöne, Karin (2016): <a href="" target="_blank">Design and Development of the MERLIN Learner Corpus Platform</a>. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16), 2471 – 2477.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Štindlová, B., Čurdova V. (2015): <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16" /> <a href="" target="_blank">MERLIN: Multilingvální platforma pro evropské referenční úrovně</a>. Časopis pro moderní filologii, dvojčíslo u příležitosti 20. výročí ČNK. 2,&nbsp; 190-200.</p>
<p>Abel, Andrea; Wisniewski, Katrin; Nicolas, Lionel; Boyd, Adriane;
Hana, Jirka; Meurers, Detmar (2014): <a href="" target="_blank"><em>A Trilingual Learner Corpus illustrating European Reference Levels</em></a>. In: <em>Ricognizioni – Rivista di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne 2 (1)</em>, 111-126. </p>
Hana, Jirka; Meurers, Detmar (2014): <a href="" target="_blank">A Trilingual Learner Corpus illustrating European Reference Levels</a>. In: <em>Ricognizioni – Rivista di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne 2 (1)</em>, 111-126. </p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Die Validität der Skalen des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen.Eine empirische Untersuchung der Flüssigkeits- und Wortschatzskalen des GeRS am Beispiel des Italienischen und des Deutsche</em>n. Language Testing and Evaluation vol.33, Frankfurt am Main 2014</p>
<p>Adriane Boyd, Jirka Hana, Lionel Nicolas, Detmar Meurers, Katrin Wisniewski, Andrea Abel, Karin Schöne, Barbora &Scaron;tindlová and Chiara Vettori. <em><a href="docs/LREC14_Paper.pdf" target="_blank">The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR </a><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16"></em>. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Reykjavik, May 26-31, 2014.</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski, Karin Sch&ouml;ne, Lionel Nicolas, Chiara Vettori, Adriane Boyd, Detmar Meurers, Andrea Abel, Jirka Hana. <em>MERLIN: An online trilingual learner corpus empirically grounding the European Reference Levels in authentic learner data</em>. <a href="docs/322-CEF03-FP-Wisniewski-ICT2013.pdf" target="_blank">ICT for Language Learning 2013, Conference Proceedings</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="10" height="15"> Edizioni, Florence, Italy, November 14-15, 2013.</p>
<h3><strong><a name="pub-mt"></a>
Využití korpusu MERLIN v diplomových pracích:</strong></h3>
<p>Tina Sch&ouml;nfelder. <em><a href="docs/MA_thesis_Schoenfelder.pdf" target="_blank">REQUESTS im Italienischen und Deutschen als Fremdsprache</a></em> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em>. Master's thesis, TU Dresden, February 2014</p>
<p>Tassja Weber. <em><a href="docs/Masterarbeit_Tassja_Weber.pdf" target="_blank">Verbvalenz
und Rektion im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Eine korpusgestützte
Analyse zweier Verbgruppen</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16"></em>. Master's thesis, TU Dortmund. 2013</p>
<p>Julia Hancke. <em><a href="docs/MA-Thesis-Julia-Hancke.pdf" target="_blank">Automatic
Prediction of CEFR Proficiency Levels Based on Linguistic Features of
Learner Language</a></em> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16"></em>. Master's thesis, University of
Tübingen, April 2013</p>
<h2><a name="usermod"></a>Profil uživatele </h2>
<p class="reference"><a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part1.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference"><strong>Zpráva o profilu uživatele</strong> - </a><a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part2Technical_report.pdf" class="reference">část</a><a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part1.pdf" class="reference"> 1</a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
<p><a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part2Technical_report.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference"><strong>Zpráva o profilu uživatele</strong> - část 2</a><strong> </strong><em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
<p>Studie profilu uživatele probíhá od počátku projektu MERLIN a
zaměřuje se na následující oblasti: </p>
<p>zjišťování potřeb uživatelů, jež se týkají nejdůležitějších
rysů žákovského jazyka</p>
<p>zjišťování potřeb uživatelů, jež se týkají ukázek z úrovní
referenčního rámce SERR </p>
<p>shromažďování údajů, na jejichž bázi bude probíhat vývoj empirických
indikátorů popisujících schopnost osvojení cizího jazyka (L2) a
vycházejících ze zkoumání chování a potřeb uživatelů</p>
<p>zajišťování vhodných nástrojů pro obsahovou i odbornou část platformy</p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_del-7.1.pdf"><strong>Specifikace funkcí uživatelského rozhrání </strong></a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_del-7.2.pdf"><strong>Návrh struktury platformy </strong></a>(macrostructure) <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_del-7.3.pdf"><strong>Specifikace </strong></a><a href="docs/MERLIN_del-7.1.pdf"><strong>uživatelského rozhrání</strong></a><strong> </strong>(microstructure) <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
<p>Adriane Boyd, Jirka Hana, Lionel Nicolas, Detmar Meurers, Katrin Wisniewski, Andrea Abel, Karin Schöne, Barbora &Scaron;tindlová and Chiara Vettori (2014): <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16" /> <a href="docs/LREC14_Paper.pdf" target="_blank">The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR </a>. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Reykjavik, May 26-31, 2014.</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski, Karin Schöne, Lionel Nicolas, Chiara Vettori, Adriane Boyd, Detmar Meurers, Andrea Abel, Jirka Hana. <em>MERLIN: An online trilingual learner corpus empirically grounding the European Reference Levels in authentic learner data</em>. <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16" /> <a href="docs/322-CEF03-FP-Wisniewski-ICT2013.pdf" target="_blank">ICT for Language Learning 2013, Conference Proceedings</a> Edizioni, Florence, Italy, November 14-15, 2013.</p>
<h3><strong><a name="pub-mt"></a>The MERLIN corpus has been used in the following master's and PhD theses:</strong></h3>
<p dir="ltr">Zarah Leonie Weiß: Using Measures of Linguistic Complexity to Assess German L2. Proficiency in Learner Corpora under Consideration of Task-Effects, Tübingen 2017</p>
<p>Weber, Tassja: Präpositionen und Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Quantitative Fallstudien im Lernerkorpus MERLIN. Promotion, Mannheim 2020</p>
<p>Tina Schönfelder. <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"> <em><a href="docs/MA_thesis_Schoenfelder.pdf" target="_blank">REQUESTS im Italienischen und Deutschen als Fremdsprache</a></em>. Masterarbeit, TU Dresden, Februar 2014</p>
<p>Tassja Weber. <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"> <em><a href="docs/Masterarbeit_Tassja_Weber.pdf" target="_blank">Verbvalenz und Rektion im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Eine korpusgestützte Analyse zweier Verbgruppen</a></em>. Masterarbeit, TU Dortmund. 2013</p>
<p>Julia Hancke. <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"> <a href="docs/MA-Thesis-Julia-Hancke.pdf" target="_blank"><em>Automatic Prediction of CEFR Proficiency Levels Based on Linguistic Features of Learner Language</em></a>. Masterarbeit, Universität Tübingen, April 2013</p>
<h2><a name="archiv"></a>Archive</h2>
<p><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"> <a href="docs/MERLIN_user-manual-GER.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">MERLIN user manual</a> | Background information on the goals and methods of the project, documentation of the initial search functionalities of the website</p>
<p><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"> <a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part1.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Report on user study - part 1</a> | Users' needs concerning the illustration of CEFR levels and the features of learner language that are considered most relevant</p>
<p><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"> <a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part2Technical_report.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Report on user study - part 2</a> | Technical client-side requirements, required search and interface functionalities, usage of data</p>
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<h1>Dokumenty související s projektem MERLIN</h1>
<p><strong>Dokumenty související s projektem MERLIN ke
<h2>Využití platformy MERLIN</h2>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_user-manual-CZ.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">MERLIN Příručka uživatele</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16"></p>
<p><strong>Scénáře využití</strong> platformy MERLIN lze stáhnout v sekci <a href="C_mcorpus.php#anchor3" target="_blank" class="reference">MERLIN v praxi</a></p>
<h2><a name="corpus"></a>Korpus: koncipování
testů a příprava dat</h2>
<p><a href="docs/Transcription-guidelines_DE.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Postup při transkripci </a><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16"></p>
<p><strong>Úplná zadání pro testy </strong>včetně
popisu zadání, lze stáhnout v sekci <a href="C_mcorpus.php#anchor3" target="_blank" class="reference">korpus MERLIN</a>.</p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_Rating-Grid_CZE.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Hodnotící tabulka platformy MERLIN</a>
<img src="img/document-pdf.png" height="16" width="16"></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_Technical-report.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Odborná zpráva</a>
<img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16">: Zpráva o reliabilitě a funkčnosti hodnotící
škály MERLIN pro psané vzorky promluvy, autor: O.
<h2><a name="annotations"></a>Anotace:
Anotační schéma a jeho vytváření</h2>
<p><strong><a href="docs/Annotation guidelines.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Anotační manuál</a></strong> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN-annotation-scheme.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">anotační schéma platformy MERLIN </a>
<img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_FAQ_final.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Dokumentace týkající se dalších aspektů anotace </a><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></p>
<h2><a name="pub">MERLIN: Abstrakty z konferencí</a></h2>
<p>Andrea Abel &amp; Katrin Wisniewski. MER<em>LIN - die mehrsprachige Plattform für die europäischen Referenzniveaus </em>at the 6th ÖGSD Conference in Salzburg, November 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Empirisch gestützte Arbeit mit dem GeRS: Zur Einschätzung schriftlicher Leistungen in Deutsch, Tschechisch und Italienisch als Fremdsprachen mit dem Lernerkorpus MERLIN</em>. 26. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung in Ludwigsburg, September/October 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Empirical correlates of CEFR vocabulary and coherence level descriptions in learner language: A non-circular corpus-based validation approach</em>. Third Learner Corpus Research Conference, Nijmegen, September 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski, Andrea Abel &amp; Verena Lyding. <em>The MERLIN platform: exploring CEFR-related learner texts. Software demo at the </em>Third Learner Corpus Research Conference, Nijmegen, September 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Empirical validity evidence for the Common European Framework of Reference scales. </em>12th Conference of the European Association of Language Testing and Assessment, Kopenhagen, May 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Štindlová, B./Čurdova V. (2015): <a href="docs/9.6-9.8_Research Paper_Stindlova_Curdova_2015.pdf" target="_blank">MERLIN: Multilingvální platforma pro evropské referenční úrovně</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">. In: <em>Časopis pro moderní filologii, dvojčíslo u příležitosti 20. výročí ČNK</em>. <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference"></a> (accepted). </p>
<p>Abel, Andrea: &bdquo;Der Gemeinsame europäische Referenzrahmen für Sprachen und MERLIN: eine Ressource für Lehrende und Lernende&ldquo;,
11. bundesweites Seminar &bdquo;Interkulturalität und Mehrsprachigkeit in der schulischen Praxis&ldquo;, vom 20.-21.03.2015, in Graz (AT), <a href="docs/ikm-programm_11.pdf">Program</a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>MERLIN: Eine Plattform zur Veranschaulichung der Niveaustufen des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen</em>. Conference organized by the MSZ of the Technical University of Dresden: Online-Lernszenarien für Sprachlehre, Weiterbildung und Studium, October 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation-MSZ-Dresden.pptx" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Der Beitrag von Lernerkorpora zur Konstruktion und Validierung von Bewertungsskalen</em>. GAL-Kongress, Marburg, September 16-19, 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_GAL 2014_Wisniewski.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Barbora Štindlová &amp; Veronika Čurdová. <em>MERLIN Multilingvální platforma pro evropské referenční úrovně. </em>Korpusová lingvistika, Prague, September 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_Korpusova lingvistika_2014.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Adriane Boyd, Jirka Hana, Lionel Nicolas, Detmar Meurers, Katrin Wisniewksi, Andrea Abel, Karin Schöne, Barbora Štindlová &amp; Chiara Vettori: The MERLIN Corpus. Learner language and the CEFR. Poster presentation at the <em>Language Resources and Evaluation Conference in Reiykjavik, </em>26. Mai-1.Juni 2014. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). (<em><a href="docs/Conference-poster_LREC_2014_Nicolas-et-al.pdf" target="_blank">poster</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</em></p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>MERLIN - a multifunctional trilingual learner corpus related to the CEFR</em>. 11th EALTA Conference in Warwick, UK, May 29 - June 1, 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_EALTA 2014_Wisniewski.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Barbora Štindlová, Veronika Čurdová, Petra Klimešová, Eva Levorová: <em>ŽÁKOVSKÝ KORPUS MERLIN: JAZYKOVÉ ÚROVNĚ A TROJJAZYČNÁ CHYBOVÁ ANOTACE</em>, June 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_ILPS_June 2014_Korpus-MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p> Barbora Štindlová &amp; Veronika Čurdová. <em>MERLIN: Illustrating European Reference Levels in Three Languages</em>. Conference on Grammar and Corpora, Warsaw, June 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_Corpora and grammar_Stindlova_Curdova.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski, Andrea Abel. <em>The CEFR level descriptions and empirical learner data: MERLIN, a multi-lingual corpus initiative</em>. <a href="" target="_blank">CEFR Web Conference</a>, March 2014. (<em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank">prezentace, slidy </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Giving a Voice to the Learner. Using the Multilingual MERLIN Learner Corpus Related to the Common European Framework of Reference for Scale Validation</em>.<em> <a href="" target="_blank">Second Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2014)</a></em>, Hong Kong, March 7-9, 2014.</p>
<p>Lionel Nicolas: <em>MERLIN: An Online Trilingual Learner Corpus Empirically Grounding the European Reference Levels in Authentic Learner Data. </em>ICT for Language Learning Conference in Florence, 6th edition, November 2013. <em>(<a href="docs/Conference-poster_ICTFLL_poster_Nicolas.pdf">poster</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">)</em></p>
<p>Julia Hancke and Detmar Meurers. <em><a href="" target="_blank">Exploring CEFR classification for German based on rich linguistic modeling</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">.</em> Learner Corpus Research 2013. Book of Abstracts, pp. 54-56. Bergen, Norway, September 27-29, 2013. (<a href="" target="_blank"><em>prezentace, slidy of the talk</em></a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16"></em>)</p>
<p>Andrea Abel, Lionel Nicolas, Jirka Hana, Barbora &#352tindlov&aacute;, Serhiy Bykh and Detmar Meurers. <em><a href="docs/PPT_Abel_MERLIN_LCR_2013_final.pdf" target="_blank">A Trilingual Learner Corpus illustrating European Reference Levels</a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16">. Learner Corpus Research Conference 2013, Book of Abstracts, Bergen, Norway, September 27-29, 2013. </p>
<p>Andrea Abel. <em>Lernertexte zuverl&auml;ssig bewerten: Die mehrsprachige Plattform f&uuml;r die Europ&auml;ischen Referenzniveaus MERLIN</em>. <a href="" target="_blank">IDT 2013</a>, Bolzano, Italy, July 29 - August 3, 2013. (<a href="docs/Abel_MERLIN_IDT_2013_v1.pdf" target="_blank"><em>prezentace, slidy</em></a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. Poster: <em>Illustrating and Researching the Common European Framework Levels with a Multilingual Online Platform</em>. <a href="" target="_blank">The 35th Language Testing Research Colloquium</a>, Seoul, Korea, July 3-5, 2013.</p>
<h2> Publikace týmu MERLIN</h2>
<p>Abel, Andrea; Wisniewski, Katrin; Nicolas, Lionel; Boyd, Adriane;
Hana, Jirka; Meurers, Detmar (2014): <a href="" target="_blank"><em>A Trilingual Learner Corpus illustrating European Reference Levels</em></a>. In: <em>Ricognizioni – Rivista di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne 2 (1)</em>, 111-126. </p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Die Validität der Skalen des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen.Eine empirische Untersuchung der Flüssigkeits- und Wortschatzskalen des GeRS am Beispiel des Italienischen und des Deutsche</em>n. Language Testing and Evaluation vol.33, Frankfurt am Main 2014</p>
<p>Adriane Boyd, Jirka Hana, Lionel Nicolas, Detmar Meurers, Katrin Wisniewski, Andrea Abel, Karin Schöne, Barbora &Scaron;tindlová and Chiara Vettori. <em><a href="docs/LREC14_Paper.pdf" target="_blank">The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR </a><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="16" height="16"></em>. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Reykjavik, May 26-31, 2014.</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski, Karin Sch&ouml;ne, Lionel Nicolas, Chiara Vettori, Adriane Boyd, Detmar Meurers, Andrea Abel, Jirka Hana. <em>MERLIN: An online trilingual learner corpus empirically grounding the European Reference Levels in authentic learner data</em>. <a href="docs/322-CEF03-FP-Wisniewski-ICT2013.pdf" target="_blank">ICT for Language Learning 2013, Conference Proceedings</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" width="10" height="15"> Edizioni, Florence, Italy, November 14-15, 2013.</p>
<h3><strong><a name="pub-mt"></a>
Využití korpusu MERLIN v diplomových pracích:</strong></h3>
<p>Tina Sch&ouml;nfelder. <em><a href="docs/MA_thesis_Schoenfelder.pdf" target="_blank">REQUESTS im Italienischen und Deutschen als Fremdsprache</a></em> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em>. Master's thesis, TU Dresden, February 2014</p>
<p>Tassja Weber. <em><a href="docs/Masterarbeit_Tassja_Weber.pdf" target="_blank">Verbvalenz
und Rektion im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Eine korpusgestützte
Analyse zweier Verbgruppen</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16"></em>. Master's thesis, TU Dortmund. 2013</p>
<p>Julia Hancke. <em><a href="docs/MA-Thesis-Julia-Hancke.pdf" target="_blank">Automatic
Prediction of CEFR Proficiency Levels Based on Linguistic Features of
Learner Language</a></em> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16"></em>. Master's thesis, University of
Tübingen, April 2013</p>
<h2><a name="usermod"></a>Profil uživatele </h2>
<p class="reference"><a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part1.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference"><strong>Zpráva o profilu uživatele</strong> - </a><a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part2Technical_report.pdf" class="reference">část</a><a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part1.pdf" class="reference"> 1</a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
<p><a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part2Technical_report.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference"><strong>Zpráva o profilu uživatele</strong> - část 2</a><strong> </strong><em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
<p>Studie profilu uživatele probíhá od počátku projektu MERLIN a
zaměřuje se na následující oblasti: </p>
<p>zjišťování potřeb uživatelů, jež se týkají nejdůležitějších
rysů žákovského jazyka</p>
<p>zjišťování potřeb uživatelů, jež se týkají ukázek z úrovní
referenčního rámce SERR </p>
<p>shromažďování údajů, na jejichž bázi bude probíhat vývoj empirických
indikátorů popisujících schopnost osvojení cizího jazyka (L2) a
vycházejících ze zkoumání chování a potřeb uživatelů</p>
<p>zajišťování vhodných nástrojů pro obsahovou i odbornou část platformy</p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_del-7.1.pdf"><strong>Specifikace funkcí uživatelského rozhrání </strong></a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_del-7.2.pdf"><strong>Návrh struktury platformy </strong></a>(macrostructure) <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_del-7.3.pdf"><strong>Specifikace </strong></a><a href="docs/MERLIN_del-7.1.pdf"><strong>uživatelského rozhrání</strong></a><strong> </strong>(microstructure) <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" width="16" height="16"></em></p>
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<h1>Documentazione del progetto MERLIN</h1>
<p><strong>Scarica i documenti relativi al progetto MERLIN.</strong></p>
<h2>Usare MERLIN</h2>
<p><span class="reference"><a href="docs/MERLIN_user-manual-ITA.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Manuale per l'utente MERLIN</a></span> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></p>
<p>Scarica gli <strong>scenari d'uso </strong>per la piattaforma MERLIN nella sezione <a href="C_teacher.php" target="_blank" class="reference">Usare MERLIN</a>.</p>
<h2><a name="corpus"></a>Corpus: Test e preparazione dei dati</h2>
<p><a href="docs/Transcription-guidelines_DE.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Linee guida per la trascrizione</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></p>
<p><strong>Le tracce complete dei test</strong>, correlate da descrizione, sono disponibili per il download nella sezione <a href="C_mcorpus.php#anchor3" target="_blank" class="reference">Corpus MERLIN</a>.</p>
<p><a href="../docs/MERLIN_Rating-Grid_ITA.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Griglia di valutazione MERLIN</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" height="16" width="16"></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_Technical-report.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Relazione tecnica</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16">:
Relazione sull'affidabilità e funzionalità delle scale delle
valutazioni MERLIN di campioni di linguaggio scritto, di O. Bärenfänger</p>
<h2><a name="annotations"></a>Annotazioni: schema di annotazione e processo di annotazione</h2>
<p><strong><a href="docs/Annotation%20guidelines.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Manuale di annotazione</a></strong> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN-annotation-scheme.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference">Schema di annotazione MERLIN</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_FAQ_final.pdf" class="reference">Documentazione di ulteriori questioni di annotazione </a><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></p>
<h2><a name="pub"></a>Interventi a convegni del team MERLIN </h2>
<p>Andrea Abel &amp; Katrin Wisniewski. MER<em>LIN - die mehrsprachige Plattform für die europäischen Referenzniveaus </em>at the 6th ÖGSD Conference in Salzburg, November 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Empirisch gestützte Arbeit mit dem GeRS: Zur
Einschätzung schriftlicher Leistungen in Deutsch, Tschechisch und
Italienisch als Fremdsprachen mit dem Lernerkorpus MERLIN</em>. 26. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung in Ludwigsburg, September/October 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Empirical correlates of CEFR vocabulary and
coherence level descriptions in learner language: A non-circular
corpus-based validation approach</em>. Third Learner Corpus Research Conference, Nijmegen, September 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski, Andrea Abel &amp; Verena Lyding. <em>The MERLIN platform: exploring CEFR-related learner texts. Software demo at the </em>Third Learner Corpus Research Conference, Nijmegen, September 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski.&nbsp; <em>Empirical validity evidence for the Common European Framework of Reference scales. </em>12th Conference of the European Association of Language Testing and Assessment, Kopenhagen, May 2015 (accepted).</p>
<p>Štindlová, B./Čurdova V. (2015): <a href="docs/9.6-9.8_Research%20Paper_Stindlova_Curdova_2015.pdf" target="_blank">MERLIN: Multilingvální platforma pro evropské referenční úrovně</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">. In: <em>Časopis pro moderní filologii, dvojčíslo u příležitosti 20. výročí ČNK</em>. <a href="" target="_blank" class="reference"></a> (accepted). </p>
<p>Abel, Andrea: „Der Gemeinsame europäische Referenzrahmen
für&nbsp;Sprachen und MERLIN: eine Ressource für Lehrende und
Lernende“, 11. bundesweites Seminar „Interkulturalität und
Mehrsprachigkeit in&nbsp;der schulischen Praxis“, vom 20.-21.03.2015,
in Graz (AT), <a href="docs/ikm-programm_11.pdf">Programme</a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></em></p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>MERLIN: Eine Plattform zur Veranschaulichung der Niveaustufen des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen</em>.
Conference organized by the MSZ of the Technical University of Dresden:
Online-Lernszenarien für Sprachlehre, Weiterbildung und Studium,
October 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation-MSZ-Dresden.pptx" target="_blank">slides </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Der Beitrag von Lernerkorpora zur Konstruktion und Validierung von Bewertungsskalen</em>. GAL-Kongress, Marburg, September 16-19, 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_GAL%202014_Wisniewski.pdf" target="_blank">slides </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">)</p>
<p>Barbora Štindlová &amp; Veronika Čurdová. <em>MERLIN Multilingvální platforma pro evropské referenční úrovně. </em>Korpusová lingvistika, Prague, September 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_Korpusova%20lingvistika_2014.pdf" target="_blank">slides </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">)</p>
<p>Adriane Boyd, Jirka Hana, Lionel Nicolas, Detmar Meurers, Katrin
Wisniewksi, Andrea Abel, Karin Schöne,&nbsp; Barbora Štindlová &amp;
Chiara Vettori: The MERLIN Corpus. Learner language and the CEFR.
Poster presentation at the <em>Language Resources and Evaluation Conference in Reiykjavik,&nbsp; </em>26. Mai-1.Juni 2014. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). (<em><a href="docs/Conference-poster_LREC_2014_Nicolas-et-al.pdf" target="_blank">poster</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">)</em></p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>MERLIN - a multifunctional trilingual learner corpus related to the CEFR</em>. 11th EALTA Conference in Warwick, UK, May 29 - June 1, 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_EALTA%202014_Wisniewski.pdf" target="_blank">slides </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">)</p>
<p>Barbora Štindlová, Veronika Čurdová, Petra Klimešová, Eva Levorová:&nbsp; <em>ŽÁKOVSKÝ KORPUS MERLIN: JAZYKOVÉ ÚROVNĚ A TROJJAZYČNÁ CHYBOVÁ ANOTACE</em>, June 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_ILPS_June%202014_Korpus-MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank">slides </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">)</p>
<p> Barbora Štindlová &amp;&nbsp; Veronika Čurdová. <em>MERLIN: Illustrating European Reference Levels in Three Languages</em>. Conference on Grammar and Corpora, Warsaw, June 2014. (<em><a href="docs/Conference-presentation_Corpora%20and%20grammar_Stindlova_Curdova.pdf" target="_blank">slides </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski, Andrea Abel. <em>The CEFR level descriptions and empirical learner data: MERLIN, a multi-lingual corpus initiative</em>. <a href="" target="_blank">CEFR Web Conference</a>, March 2014. (<em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank">slides </a></em><em><a href="docs/CEFR_WebConference_Wisniewski_Abel_MERLIN.pdf" target="_blank"></a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Giving a Voice to the Learner. Using the
Multilingual MERLIN Learner Corpus Related to the Common European
Framework of Reference for Scale Validation</em>.<em> <a href="" target="_blank">Second Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2014)</a></em>, Hong Kong, March 7-9, 2014.</p>
<p>Lionel Nicolas: <em>MERLIN: An Online Trilingual Learner Corpus Empirically Grounding the European Reference Levels in Authentic Learner Data. </em>ICT for Language Learning Conference in Florence, 6th edition, November 2013. <em>(<a href="docs/Conference-poster_ICTFLL_poster_Nicolas.pdf">poster</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">)</em></p>
<p>Julia Hancke and Detmar Meurers. <em><a href="" target="_blank">Exploring CEFR classification for German based on rich linguistic modeling</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">.</em> Learner Corpus Research 2013. Book of Abstracts, pp. 54-56.&nbsp;Bergen, Norway, September 27-29, 2013. (<a href="" target="_blank"><em>slides of the talk</em></a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></em>)</p>
<p>Andrea Abel, Lionel Nicolas, Jirka Hana, Barbora Štindlová, Serhiy Bykh and Detmar Meurers. <em><a href="docs/PPT_Abel_MERLIN_LCR_2013_final.pdf" target="_blank">A Trilingual Learner Corpus illustrating European Reference Levels</a></em> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16">. Learner Corpus Research Conference 2013, Book of Abstracts, Bergen, Norway, September 27-29, 2013. </p>
<p>Andrea Abel. <em>Lernertexte zuverlässig bewerten: Die mehrsprachige Plattform für die Europäischen Referenzniveaus MERLIN</em>. <a href="" target="_blank">IDT 2013</a>, Bolzano, Italy, July 29 - August 3, 2013. (<a href="docs/Abel_MERLIN_IDT_2013_v1.pdf" target="_blank"><em>slides</em></a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf">)</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. Poster: <em>Illustrating and Researching the Common European Framework Levels with a Multilingual Online Platform</em>. <a href="" target="_blank">The 35th Language Testing Research Colloquium</a>, Seoul, Korea, July 3-5, 2013.</p>
<h2>Pubblicazioni MERLIN </h2>
<p>Abel, Andrea; Wisniewski, Katrin; Nicolas, Lionel; Boyd, Adriane;
Hana, Jirka; Meurers, Detmar (2014): <a href="" target="_blank"><em>A Trilingual Learner Corpus&nbsp;illustrating European Reference Levels</em></a>. In: <em>Ricognizioni – Rivista di&nbsp;Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne 2 (1)</em>, 111-126.&nbsp; </p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski. <em>Die Validität der Skalen des Gemeinsamen
europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen.Eine empirische Untersuchung
der Flüssigkeits- und Wortschatzskalen des GeRS am Beispiel des
Italienischen und des Deutsche</em>n. Language Testing and Evaluation vol.33, Frankfurt am Main 2014</p>
<p>Adriane Boyd, Jirka Hana, Lionel Nicolas, Detmar Meurers, Katrin
Wisniewski, Andrea Abel, Karin Schöne, Barbora Štindlová and Chiara
Vettori. <em><a href="docs/LREC14_Paper.pdf" target="_blank">The MERLIN corpus: Learner Language and the CEFR </a><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></em>.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources
and Evaluation (LREC'14), European Language Resources Association
(ELRA), Reykjavik, May 26-31, 2014.</p>
<p>Katrin Wisniewski, Karin Schöne, Lionel Nicolas, Chiara Vettori, Adriane Boyd, Detmar Meurers, Andrea Abel, Jirka Hana. <em>MERLIN: An online trilingual learner corpus empirically grounding the European Reference Levels in authentic learner data</em>. <a href="docs/322-CEF03-FP-Wisniewski-ICT2013.pdf" target="_blank">ICT for Language Learning 2013, Conference Proceedings</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="15" width="10"> Edizioni, Florence, Italy, November 14-15, 2013.</p>
<h3><strong><a name="pub-mt"></a>Il corpus MERLIN è stato usato nelle seguenti tesi magistrali:</strong></h3>
<p>Tina Schönfelder. <em><a href="docs/MA_thesis_Schoenfelder.pdf" target="_blank">REQUESTS im Italienischen und Deutschen als Fremdsprache</a></em> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16"></em>. Master's thesis, TU Dresden, February 2014</p>
<p>Tassja Weber. <em><a href="docs/Masterarbeit_Tassja_Weber.pdf" target="_blank">Verbvalenz und Rektion im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Eine korpusgestützte Analyse zweier Verbgruppen</a> <img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16"></em>. Master's thesis, TU Dortmund. 2013</p>
<p>Julia Hancke. <em><a href="docs/MA-Thesis-Julia-Hancke.pdf" target="_blank">Automatic Prediction of CEFR Proficiency Levels Based on Linguistic Features of Learner Language</a></em> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16"></em>. Master's thesis, University of Tübingen, April 2013</p>
<h2><a name="usermod"></a>Modellazione utente e descrizione dettagliata dell'interfaccia utente </h2>
<p class="reference"><a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part1.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference"><strong>Relazione sullo studio degli utenti</strong> - parte 1</a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16"></em></p>
<p><a href="docs/WP4_UserModelling_Part2Technical_report.pdf" target="_blank" class="reference"><strong>Relazione sullo studio degli utenti </strong> - part 2</a><strong> / parte tecnica</strong> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="" height="16" width="16"></em></p>
<p>Lo studio degli utenti condotto all'inizio del progetto mirava a:</p>
<p>conoscere le necessità degli utenti riguardo alle
caratteristiche del linguaggio degli apprendenti che sono considerate
più pertinenti,</p>
<p> conoscere le necessità degli utenti riguardo all'illustrazione dei livelli del QCER, </p>
<p>raccogliere dati come base per lo sviluppo di indicatori empirici basati sull'utente per la descrizione della competenza L2, </p>
<p>garantire l'adeguatezza dello strumento sia dal punto di vista dei contenuti che a livello tecnico.</p>
<p>&nbsp;</p><p><a href="docs/MERLIN_del-7.1.pdf"><strong>Specifica scritta delle possibilità dell'interfaccia</strong></a> <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></em></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_del-7.2.pdf"><strong>Bozza della struttura della piattaforma</strong></a> (macrostruttura) <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pdf" height="16" width="16"></em></p>
<p><a href="docs/MERLIN_del-7.3.pdf"><strong>Specifica del design dell'interfaccia utente</strong></a> (microstruttura) <em><img src="img/document-pdf.png" alt="pgf" height="16" width="16"></em></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
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