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Labeler - is a set of scripts that train and evaluate classifiers for movie genres prediction task. The classifiers predict genres by using movies' descriptions, subtitles or trailers.
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Cordano Emanuele (ecor) / hydroPSO
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
Code for data preparation and model development for the apple proliferation disease
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Senoner Samuel / hydroPSO
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
URS / hotmaps-kick-off
MIT LicenseHotMaps Kick-off 13-14 October @ TUW, Wien Free and Open-source Philosophy
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An android application to combine vpn-tunnel, production data and remote desktop access all in an easy to use solution, requiring as little as possible system knowledge and input from user
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commul / various / skell-corenlp-tools
Apache License 2.0Stanford CoreNLP tools for SkELL @ unibz/EURAC/Uni Innsbruck.
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commul / Linguistic Annotations Analysis / annolytics
Apache License 2.0Updated -
External University Project (Outside of courses). This is a Demo software for the research Project Language Learning based on Computational Thinking
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Contains work done by Aman for his thesis
Marco Montali Andy RivkinUpdated -
Gesso Vermenagna GRASS GIS location for the r.green.hydro ADD-ON
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