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JMeter example project for the course of IT and Service Management
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Entity-relationship extraction from Wikipedia texts into RDF triples.
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An android application to combine vpn-tunnel, production data and remote desktop access all in an easy to use solution, requiring as little as possible system knowledge and input from user
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Contains work done by Aman for his thesis
Marco Montali Andy RivkinUpdated -
Fountain pen stors is Android studio for Mobile application
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My term project for the KRO module. Client to query a relational database via OBDA, using the Ontop framework. The dataset is taken from the Trentino Trasporti Esercizio public dataset.
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Java project used to extend the weka J48 class, providing some export functions that allow also the pruning of branches reached by no instances in the training data. Project dependencies managed using Maven. Part of a Bachelor thesis project.