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earth_observation_public / CDR / climdex-kit
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterParallelized computation, publication and analysis of climate indices from climate projections time-series.
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ADO / meteorology / ADO Download Operational
MIT LicenseCodebase for a docker container to be used in the ADO pipeline
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commul / docker / clarin-dspace
Apache License 2.0Dockerfile and customizations for CLARIN DSpace
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Open source backend code developed and publicly delivered as part of the IDEE project.
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Codebase for a docker container to be used in the ADO pipeline
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commul / KoKo / data / bundle
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ADO / ado_portal_update_db
MIT LicenseAggregation of indices values over Nuts3 into database
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ADO / spi_operational
MIT LicenseIndex calculation for spi, spei, rr anomalies, etc. Provided by ARSO.
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End-to-end 'wikipedia monitor' Docker Compose application using Kafka, Spark, RxJS/ECharts
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End-to-end RSS news classification app using Spark MLlib, Kafka, Flask/RxJS
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ADO / sma_operational
MIT LicenseDocker for the operational calculation of the soil moisture anomalies (SMA)
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End-to-end 'aircraft tracking' Docker Compose application using Kafka, Elasticsearch, Grafana (and optionally ksqlDB)